Thursday, May 17, 2012

How I Got Drugged...Again

So here's the deal, I figured it has been way too long since the last "Indi accidentally got drugged up and chaos ensued" story. So I sat down, interviewed some friends to get my facts as straight as Vin Diesel, and now am writing to you as closely as possible the events of my inability to handle medications.

He approves this post.
I don't get sick very often. Although I may "get sick" it is very rare that I am sick enough that I just want to crawl into a hole in the middle of the Sahara Desert, eat a scorpion, and die. This would be one of those times. And unfortunately for me, it fell right after one of those other times when I "get sick" so, Mother strongly suggested I went to school anyway.

It was second period when I got to the point where I could not stand the pain anymore. I walked myself down to the school office where all they could do was give me a Benadryl. THAT WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!! But, I didn't know this so I took the pill from them, and went back to class. It was about three minutes after I got back to class when I passed out. And that is the end of the story... From my perspective. 
Hello little pink pill. Did you know that Satan is your daddy?

Let's flash forward to fifth period. Because according to Moss, that is when the first sign of consciousness returned to me. And even then it was not by free will. As we sat in fifth period, (me laying on the desk actually...looking back I am not sure how I even got to fifth period if I had been passed out since second....weird) Egypt came up with a hilarious game. It was the "Let's see how many foreign things we can stick in Indi's ears while he is asleep and then pretend like we don't know what the heck is going on when he wakes up and tries to get things out of his ear game." Let me fill you in on something, even though I don't remember it, THIS WAS NOT A FUN GAME!

Nobody will tell me exactly what else happened for the rest of the day except that I was speaking really slow...until that night. Everyone, including me, remembers that night all too well...
If you guessed the second half of this post had a very heavy
baseball influence, then you are dumber than I am when it
comes to sports.

Basketball. Since this was my junior year in high school, it was not uncommon at all for there to be a game one night after school. Only difference: most the time I was living above the influence. This particular game was a dead knockout (punny because earlier that day the drugs knocked me out) as most of ours were. I warned Coach ahead of time not to put me in because of the way that the day had progressed, but he thought he knew better.... I remember that it was the third quarter and we were up by 30 or so points. Coach thought this was an excellent time to test out playing a drugged kid.

Terrible ideas once again. I seemed to suffer that entire day from everybody else's terrible ideas. This one being the most embarrassing. I was sober enough to remember it and be aware of the happenings, but drugged enough that it happened anyway.

For the first thirty seconds or so I had it all under control. Then, I took it into beast mode. I saw my chance. The shot went up and bounced off the rim right into my hands. I power dribbled and went up strong - knocking my defender down and laying it in the goal. I was so proud of myself. I turned around and gave Coach a big thumbs up for knowing what he was doing and putting me in even with my drugs. Only for some reason instead of returning my thumbs up he simply stared at me in disbelief for a good two seconds before hanging his head and shaking it back and forth  in disapproval. If you haven't guessed what happened, I will draw you a diagram:

As you can see, I ended up shooting in the wrong goal.... Not fun. 
Needless to say I got benched very quickly for the rest of the night and Coach never questioned me again if I told him not to play me. 

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