A little over a year ago, I was getting ready to embark on my very first cruise. I was going with a group of friends. Some of which are still very close to me (both in proximity and relation) and some, not so much. (also in proximity and relation) The night before the cruise me and another friend (North Carolina) decided that we would pull an "all-nighter" at Egypt's house. If you are wondering how we could go to a country in northern Africa's house, then you should probably click here.
Our night started out with a few fun games of corn hole, which, by the way, I am proud to say that I almost won a couple games. It was not until a few hours of active game play that we decided it was time for supper. We had a simple supper comprised of hamburgers and hot-dogs. I also drank a SuperWater. while eating we decided to sit in the bed of North Carolina's truck. The only problem was that he had his rather large speaker box in the bed of his truck. We took a problem and turned it into a convenience. Speaker box, meet table. You thought you fooled us!
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Yay corn hole! |
My huge mistake came when I accidentally dropped some mustard on the sub box. And believe it or not, SuperWater is NOT the best idea to try to use to clean it up with. (I know I was surprised too) After sufficiently soaking the speaker box with my mustard and SuperWater mixture, I decided I should pretend like nothing ever happened. This didn't last long. When North Carolina found this out he was not happy. I realize in retrospect, (it always seems to be after the fact that I realize crucial facts) that this was probably the start of the planning of North Carolina's revenge...
The night progressed and everything went fine. As we were all on the basketball team junior year together, we decided to play some basketball. Sounds fun right? Well if you remember, on an earlier post I mentioned that I was the best player on the team. I just wanted to reiterate that point because it was most definitely not, in any way, whatsoever exaggerated. At all.
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This is why he is "North Carolina." If you wish, we could all send him a collective "BOO!" in the comments. 1....2.....3.... GO! |
As we were playing and I was scoring on both of them like crazy, North Carolina started getting jealous of my mad skills. I believe this was the second thing that upset him a little. But we continued to play. Once for some reason North Carolina over shot by a long boundary. (not usual for him) I went to retrieve the ball. When I got it I saw something beautiful. I clean break straight to the goal. I would be a champ. I took off running.
I ran and I dribbled. Egypt started to step in front of me but saw the seriousness on my face and thought twice. I was driving all the way home. And I did. I went up and dunked it. Everybody be proud. As I was coming down and proceeding to start my victory dance, I heard something. It sounded similar to a roaring fire. Kind of like the sound made by a Bunsen burner in Chemistry class only magnified a few times. Either way it was loud. As I was registering a this thought, another sensation filled my senses. Heat. Lots and lots of heat.
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This is me dunking. the lighting makes it look kinda funny like I was black and in a gymnasium filled with people.... |
Around this time I remember seeing flames being shot towards my face. I also remember screaming a great deal before turning and bolting the opposite direction. My glory was short lived. I found out later, (after Egypt and North Carolina finished laughing) that North Carolina had been waiting beside the basketball goal for me with a lighter and can of body spray the entire time on my trek to scoring... I guess I was too caught up in the glory of the moment to realize...
It's ok though, the joke will soon be on North Carolina....as soon as I come up with something to get even with him for. (the problem here is his biggest fear is the same as mine. There is NO way I am risking my life to put a spider near him...)