Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Whale Tails & Credit Cards

I promised someone today that I would write this post. We were sitting in a large group of people and both of us noticed a larger kid that had at least half of his butt hanging out of his pants. It was disgusting. And it didn't get better. In fact, if anything, it got worse as he was constantly bending over/throwing himself around on the floor. He was definitely cracking. You know what, though? This was not the only experience that I had today that made me want to write this post. Today a girl was getting out of my car and as she was getting out, she had a huge whale tail. If you don't know what a whale tail is, it's when a girl wheres a thong and it shows above her pants and below her shirt. The resulting image resembles a whale's tail therefore earning the name "whale tail".

The more I look around, the more I notice this problem in our society. People cannot keep their pants on. And I don't even mean in the sexual "keep your pants on" way. I mean that people's pants are literally about to fall off of their bodies. Nobody cares to know what your butt/underwear/thong looks like. Sorry, but it's true. If they really wanted to know they would probably say, "Hey, show me your butt/underwear/thong!" But they didn't say that. So stop.

Now that the ranting portion of this post is finished, or at least paused, I will address the second half of the title. Credit cards. Do you know what I think every time I see somebody cracking really bad? I think How much fun would it be to take a credit card, walk up to him(her) and slide it down their inappropriate nudity and yell "Charge!" Of course, I haven't done this yet, but I really do want to. It's an urge that is becoming increasingly hard to withstand. So here is fair warning, if I end up sliding a credit card down your butt, you should be wearing your pants higher. Ok?

That's about all that I have to say on the subject for now. If I decide to update this post later with one of the many more things rolling around in my head, I will definitely use the Tweeter and Facebook to notify everybody.

P.S. I had some real trouble deciding whether or not it would be appropriate/warranted to add pictures to this post. For now I am going to say probably not. If you think that it is imperative for me to put pictures, then leave a comment and tell me in a creative way. After all, the readers know what gets the point across best right?


  1. I think it is funny that you don't want to see people's underwear, and we see the top of your boxers all the time. But for any of you Voice watchers, Justin needed to pull up his pants....majorly!!!!! Get a clue Justin!

    1. LOL My boxers are different, they're normally fun and themed like SpongeBob. Also I use them to project what mood I'm in lol. I will write a post about that later. Do you have Justin's twitter name so I can let him know about this post?

  2. I wish I did! Someone needs to tell him!

  3. Okay...think of this..swipe the crack and get a dollar back...this could be VISA's slogan...you know master card has pricless...VISA could have swipe the crack!

    1. YES!!!! That would be amazing! It would make me want to buy about seven VISA's..... You should suggest that to somebody with power....
