If you are wondering about the title for this post, it pretty much has NOTHING to do with the actual story, other than the fact that it is the nickname we gave to the pharmacy where all this took place. (if you can figure out which one it is, leave a comment!) Now, to introduce this post. I have a friend that has been mentioned
in an earlier post named Savior. Savior was (and is) an excellent friend. Even though I could convince her to do my laundry, I never could convince her to make grocery trips by herself so I ended up having to go with her to Curdled Vulture Spit in an attempt to shop. While It seemed like an unfortunate and taxing thing to do, we ended up creating a wonderful tradition and exciting adventure that continued every trip to the CVS. (I am simply abbreviating our nickname, not pointing you toward the identity of the real pharmacy)
Savior and I would take trips to the CVS multiple times a week. It was on our third trip, I believe, that I found the coolest thing ever.
That's right. I found all the materials needed to have an inter-galactic war right in the middle of a CVS. I couldn't waste a minute. Once I found the most practical weapon ever, I could clearly see that Savior was in deed nothing but a member of the Sith just waiting to take me out. I had to take some form of action. I had to attack.
The first attack was the easiest. Savior didn't know I was coming so she had no way to prepare herself. Or even arm herself. I would easily be able to defeat her. It was not long however before I ran into a problem. Savior had cat-like reflexes that had to be God-given. There was no other way she would have been able to dodge every single attack from my blade of light.
It was not long before Savior had found her own weapon of mass destruction and we had engaged in a full out war.
"So we meet again Savior. Are you prepared to die?" |
"If you think that I will give up that easily, Indi, then you
got another thing coming!" |
"It's On!!" *Awesome fight music starts here* |
"You cannot win against me!" *More awesome fight music* |
"No! Savior! Don't do this! I have always loved you!"
*Climatic Peril Music* |
"HA! I tricked you! And now, I shall dispose of your ginger friend!"
*Awesome perilous fight music that screams "I tricked you and was actually
the bad guy the whole time"* |
By the way, just thought I would point out that if you didn't realize I was the bad guy from the very beginning, you have some very poor observational skills. First off, I had the red lightsaber and used the phrase "Are you prepared to die?" which very clearly identifies me as a member of the Sith. Second, Savior is wearing a dress. There is no way whatsoever that a member of the Sith (other than Chancellor Palpatine) could fight and almost win while wearing a dress. Thirdly, I tricked Savior and ended up killing the ginger. I am an evil soul. So if you didn't see the surprise twist coming at the end, I am sorry friend, but you pretty much need to learn to pay attention to details.
No matter what side of the Force we were associated with, this activity became a more than weekly occurrence. At first, I think the CVS employees were beginning to become annoyed by us. But before long they started keeping our lightsabers and giving them to us as we walked in the door. It was almost ceremonial.
And yes, I will go ahead and answer your question. I did pretty much end every battle by stealing Savior's weapon and killing the ginger.
This was one of my favorite pastimes haha. Curdled Vulture Spit was so kind to let us borrow their deadly battle weapons!;)
ReplyDeleteYes they were! it definitely was a great experience to take part in.