Saturday, April 28, 2012

I'm Sick

Just to let everybody who might bump into me know, I am sick. *big frowny face* I feel like even if you sang Soft Kitty to me all night it wouldn't make me feel good. That's kinda intense. I also feel like I need a nose pump. (do they make those? If not, then somebody totally should within the next few moments and send one to me rush delivery. I'd be willing to pay...$6.72 for that. Yes, that is all I have on me right now)

I am writing a post right now that may or may not get finished in time to publish tonight. So I am sorry in advanced if it doesn't get up tonight and if it does, then I am a beast. The main problems are I can't focus for longer than a sentence unless I am complaining about how I feel, and I can't find the pictures to go with what I do have written so far. So this is the predicament I am in right now. It's odd because normally, I use L(A)F to procrastinate, but tonight I am kinda procrastinating from it....except for the fact I'm writing right now...but this isn't a real post. It's fake. a figment of your imagination.... leave a comment.

**UPDATE: If the comment about Soft Kitty made no sense to you at all, then click here. Or here. Possibly even here. Of course, If I were you I'd watch them all and then look some more up!

1 comment:

  1. Your Soft Kitty reference. It's too perfect. I snorted a bit when I read it.
